Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tzadakah? Wait is that how that's spelled?

I don't know how many of y'all know this, but I am Jewish. I guess the whole joining the IDF is a give away, but I was raised Jewish, and have been Bat Mitzvahed and Confirmed. My Dad is Unitarian, so we to to church every Christmas, but I made the choice sometime along the way to follow in the Jewish faith.

Anyway, this year at camp, we talked a lot about Tikiolam or repairing the world. Tzadakah has always been a very important thing in reform Judaism, or really Judaism in general. In fact, my therapist (who is also Jewish) and her family just won the Tzadakah Award at the Jewish Federation recently.

When I was little, every time my mom or dad would drop me off at Sunday school, they would give me two dollars. I'd put that money into a little Manila envelope because that was what I was told to do. I didn't really know what it was for until the end of the year, when the money was totaled up and given to charity. Someone came in and told us what the money would be used for, and that was that. I don't remember where we donated it too, or what it was used for, but I do remember how good it felt to do a good thing. Cheesy right?

Anyway, I know that I do well with goals. Heck that's why I have this blog in the first place. I have so many dreams, so much stuff that I really want to do with my life, but I am also very forgetful. And I don't want to get to the end of my life and realize that I didn't do everything that I want to do. And one of the things I really believe in is spending a lot of time serving others. I'd like all the time I have spend volunteering add up to a year. Or 365 days. So far, it adds up to just about three days. So I have a lot of time ahead to serve the less fortunate and make the world a better place!

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