Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Regarding the Duggars

I don't know how many of you follow the Duggars in the news, but a while back I posted that Michelle Duggar, the matriarch of the family, was expecting her twentieth child to be born in April. Sadly the baby passed away recently. This was not Michelle's first miscarriage, she had one after Josh was born. In fact it was that miscarriage that made her and Jim Bob decide to leave how many children they had up to God, as she was on oral contraceptives at the time.

The babies name was chosen to be Jubilee Shalom at the funeral, and it breaks my heart to see how many people are complaining about them online. No one deserves to go through the pain of miscarriage, even if they have 19 children. The Duggars are not on well fare and therefore what they do with their lives is absolutely none of our business. Although it does make for a good TV show.

I am a huge Duggar fan. Hence the Dress Like a Duggar for a Year challenge. And no I am not an Evangelical Christian. I am in fact a Reformed Jew. I think that using oral contraceptives is just fine, but what I do agree with in the Duggars is that they have good principles and their children are being raised to be productive members of society.

Many of the older children have gone on mission trips all over the world to provide for people in need and are also first responders. Which in a town as small as they live in is very important. They are genuinely well behaved, it isn't just for the cameras. They have strong family values and are very tight knit. I don't always agree with their choices but I do believe that they are a wonderful family. And I know they will be strong and support each other in this sad time.

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