Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Does Not Help the Plastic Surgeon Stereotype

I first "discovered" Emily Giffin when I was in Israel. I read Something Borrowed while floating in the dead sea, and have devoured several others of the years since then. The most recent one I read was Heart of the Matter. In it a young boy was tragically burned and his mother who falls in love with the plastic surgeon who helps reconstruct his face. And as the title says, it really doesn't help the stereotype if a plastic surgeon. The man is conceded and self centered, just like the stereotype is. No offense to plastic surgeons reading this, for every stereotype there are plenty of people that are total opposites.

Regardless Heart of the Matter is well written and intriguing. Its told from a few different points of view, and although it isn't say Dickens, it is a great read like all of her books are. Some parts of it infuriated me, but only briefly. I know I'll be reading her next one.

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