Friday, April 6, 2012

Oh Muffy!

This year for spring break, my family decided to do something different. Normally we go skiing in Aspen, but this year the snow had melted early and we decided to do something new. Honestly Aspen is beautiful but I have gone once or twice a year for my entire life and I was ready for a change. By the way, we go to Aspen to visit my Grandfather, he has lived there as long as I have been alive. The amazing mountains and animals are just a bones.

My mom and dad just figured we would go to Aspen anyway, even if we wouldn't ski. Then I suggested that we go with my Grandfather to a new place. We tossed around Belize and Dominica but couldn't get our passports in order. So we "settled" on going to Coronado, a small island right outside of San Diego.

We only had two flights, which wasn't bad, and then to our (or at least my) surprise my Granddad had someone pick us up from the airport. We spent the twenty minuet drive talking about drug rings in Mexico something I really had no prior knowledge of.

Coronado is absolutely beautiful. Beautiful might be an understatement. I took this on my phone, so it might not be as good as the pictures online but its still. Well you'll see for yourself.

In the next few days expect more pictures, tales of surfing, sailing, and a travelers Passover.

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