Friday, December 30, 2011

Lets Explore Diabetes with Owls

As you guys read earlier, my dad and I went to a David Sedaris book signing. We decided to get his newest book Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk signed for my grandfather, who's sense of humor is something else. And since Christmas was still a few weeks away, my family decided to capitalize on having the book in the house by all reading it. And before anyone gets up in arms, its something my entire extend family does.

So after the book signing that night, I settled in with Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk and started to read. It is a collection of stories. Animals have been personified and it is assumed that they live like we do. And that instead of animals being different species they are somewhat like different races and can communicate with one another. It seems that only humans can not speak with the other animals. Each story is a few pages, with cleverly drawn, although somewhat gruesome, illustrations. All of the stories have a moral, and they really are like a modern funny version of Aesop's fables.

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