So, trying to dress warmly and yet in a skirt presented a sort of challenge. Its not hard to dress warmly in pants, I've been doing it to go skiing for years. But to not look totally foolish, well that's somewhat of a harder task in a skirt. In the end, as you can see in the picture below, I just decided to look totally crazy. I also wore a bright pink hat, pink pashmina, and purple coat. My mom said I looked very bohemian. And I have to say, I agree.
Its like a bohemian and a Duggar dressed as one
When we got to the parade route, it was so crazy. Police men directing people every which way, screaming, confusion, pushing, and caffeine. It was like Mardi Gras day but more organized. Finally the group of 5 I was in got through all the lines and sat down on the grand stand. Well the madness didn't stop there. Soon we were being yelled at to scoot over. My aunt would have none of it, she had kids in the parade and did not want to take the chance of being stuck behind a tree and missing them. And the people on the bench in front of us did not want to move either for some reason. The Macy's employee was very annoyed at us, and at one point I heard the man in front of me say "Occupy Grand Stand"
Eventually the man directing things gave up, and said "Alright its your fault if you get stepped on." After all of that was finished, he was actually quite nice and we shared a few laughs. And yes we did see my cousins and uncle marching. And the Subway ride home...well that's a different story.
Belated Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!