I talked a lot about The Winter Garden a few weeks ago. I loved it, it drew me in and I got a lot of people to read it too, who all loved it. So when I saw Comfort and Joy by Kristin Hannah on sale for a dollar at the library I figured what did I have to loose? I read it pretty quickly and for the first half was somewhat disappointed. This isn't the Kristin Hannah I knew and loved. This was fine for a romance novel book, hell it was even great for a romance novel the characters weren't 2d stereotypes, but it wasn't anything like what I knew her writing to be. I thought I had confused authors or something. It boggled my mind.
And then IT happened. I wont tell you what IT was, because well that would spoil the whole book. All I can tell you is your mind is going to be blown. I literally said "Wait WHAT" out loud alone in my room when IT happened. So if any of you gave up Comfort and Joy before IT happened, and you know when IT happens, go read it! You will end up loving it.
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