I apologize for my lack of positing as of late, I've been somewhat sick. Its nothing important or concerning really, anything "bad" has been ruled out.
Speaking of bad, or awful I should say, is childhood cancer. Cancer itself is horrible. I think we can all agree with that one. But there is something about kids getting cancer that seems especially awful.
I found about the CureSearch walk through the HPA (Harry Potter Alliance) and decided to give it a go. Up I get by 8 on a nice and sunny Saturday morning to find that no one in the HPA could make it but myself and friend Aaron. No matter we walked around for a while before it started, listened to the speeches, and then went on our merry 5k way.
In saying what I say next I mean no disrespect to the people who organized CureSearch but the course was not very clear cut. I have walked at least one other 5k at Audubon and know that one loop doesn't quite do the trick. I've always started at the same place gone almost all the way around and then doubled back. I think we were suppose to do something along those lines, or just take another lap, however most people just stopped after a lap. Aaron and I did another for safe measure and had a blast doing so. There is nothing like making a 5k fly like having someone to talk to.
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