Saturday, January 21, 2012


It is no secret that I want to be a doctor one day. In fact now that I think about it I have started at least one blog post like this. Because of that I read a lot of doctor blogs. One of my favorites in A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor. Its run by a woman that we call Fizzy and not only is it her personal blog full of rants and raves about being a doctor but also has some pretty cool cartoons. I can't say I always understand them, but any one I don't get had some sort of medical humor. But for the most part the cartoons are funny and somewhat whimsical. I know I would read her blog even if it didn't have the cartoons but they are the icing on the cake.

People love Fizzy's cartoons so much that she has self published a book full of them. I don't own a copy myself, but I am going to get one for a doctor I know. I'd really recommend checking out either her blog or buying her book, you'll win both ways

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