Recently I read The Wedding Shawl by Sally Goldenbaum. I'm not sure what made me pick it out off the shelf at the library, but something compelled me too. Its been slowly getting colder here and the bright colors probably made me think of the spring and the warmer days to come. None the less, I did and got to reading.
Chick lit mysteries have never really been my thing. I've always been easily scared by things and so mystery novels have never really been my thing. However The Wedding Shawl was the much looked for murder mystery that didn't make my hair curl and hear every creak in the house at night. Not only that, but it was filled with beautiful sea side imagery. Right now, it is starting to get colder, and so reading The Wedding Shawl brought me into a world of warm sand and clicking knitting needles. I was out in the park with my dog running around and sat up in a tree, bundled in a coat, and read. I don't know how long I stayed immersed in that book, but when I reemerged my noes and toes were frozen.
And so accordingly, I would recommend you would read The Wedding Shawl by a fire during the holidays. It'll warm you right up, and with the smell of turkey roasting in the back round well how picturesque is that?
The whole premise of The Wedding Shawl is about a group of women in a mystery knitting group knitting a shawl for one of their friends wedding. At the back of the book it gives you a link to find pictures of what inspired the shawl, and a pattern to knit it. Its an absolutely beautiful shawl, and has become my dream project. Its my goal to be good enough at knitting to knit that shawl, because like I said it is beautiful. And maybe one day, I'll be able to make it.
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